We got started by taking 6 tires and 4 wheels to the bike shop to get them switched out. It was a little confusing but it went like this, new Pilot Roads off the S4 wheels onto the RC wheels, tires that were on the RC get trashed and race take offs go on the S4 wheels. See, simple. Dan, Adam, Bucket and I went and had breakfast while we waited for the tires to be done. After we got all the tires back on the bikes and the bags mounted on the Sprint it was time to go shopping. We hit Chaparral, and Cycle Gear where Chad got Bucket his first American hook up. During all this running around it was evident that Adam on his R1 was not happy about the pace. The Aussies were getting their first taste of American traffic laws in LA of all places so they may have been a bit cautious. The plan was to stop for a beverage on the way to Dans’ place when everybody but Adam got caught at a light. Dan and I were at the front of the line with Bucket, Leggy, and Nimec behind us. I asked Dan if Adam knew where we were going, a nod was all the encouragement I needed. I told Dan “I’m gonna go F*@k with him” and ran the light. He was sitting on the side of the on ramp waiting and my plan was to wheelie past him. Well he must’ve known because when I came up the on ramp he pulled out and lofted the front tire also and we ended up riding it out all the way onto the interstate side by side. Would’ve made a good picture I bet. If everybody in LA drives like they’re pissed off I suppose Adam and I gave them plenty of reason that day. At one point I hit 140 and Adam was walking away from me. Needless to say we got to the Stop In ahead of the rest of the guys. After a few beers (thanks Adam) and some finger food we headed back to Dans’ to finish packing and getting ready for tomorrows departure. Later while Chad cooked brats and “little boys” (Aussie term) Dan and I modified a Ventura rack for the RC. It wasn’t some of my best work but it was solid and it passed the cross country test. It’s funny how I had only met these guys the day before but we were hanging out and busting balls like we’ve been doing it for years.
Dano says:
My neighbor pal Adam took us to the shop in his HUGE Ford,

The Stop In is noted on TheSpeedTriple.com for having some pretty ladies that bar tend in bikinis. I wont name any names,(they flew in from Austria) wanted to go. We ordered a picture of beer and a bunch of bar food snacks between the six of us. Speaking of pictures...
Time to return to the casa and continue with packing and working on the bikes. Hockey and I finished the last bits of service work and fabbed up the Ventura rack for the RC51, damn it turned out fine. Rough around the edges, but functional. Man did it make me happy to get that rack built. Again, thanks for the help Hockey you da Man. We finished just in time to have Becky come down and tell us that dinner was ready. Thanks Nimec and Becky for cooking, it tasted great. At some point, and I don't recall the exact time(because I was running around with my head cut off) NotNotRazorback(Brian) showed up from northern Cali. Everyone made their introductions and we unpacked his Triple and squeezed it into my garage.

Bucket says: Well, after waking up with a slightly fuzzy head, I think I still has some jet lag, it was all systems go. After laying eyes on Adams ute and calming down a bit we were off into the traffic, OMFG,that's some crazy s#*t right there I tell you. I got to have my first Merican breakfast. Diggin' those biscuits and gravy. Although you sure do have some crazy names for thing over there. We call biscuits what you call cookies and we call gravy something you put on meat. Crazy Mericans. After coming back from getting the tyres fitted it was off on the motorsickles to get some gear. I have never ridden in traffic like that before and I must say I was s#&tting myself to start with but after a while I sort of got the hang of it but was still being very cautious. Man that Chapparal was like heaven, or what I imagine it to be like. Leggy and I had decided we wanted to get Dano something for all the work and effort he had put in to making this trip possible for us. I think he was fairly impressed when we bought him the gear. Kudos to you you Skunkman. Then back to Dano's where the boys started working on the bikes, tyres back on, racks being made and installed. Dano and Hockey were like a well oiled machine, thanks fellas, much appreciated. I had organised to meet up with one of my relatives who I have never met, my mums cousin, she is a blood relative on my mums side, long story short, my blood grandfather was an American who any of us had never met. Loreta was such a lovely lady and said I looked a lot like my grandfather(lucky bloke). She chatted away with the guys and me, brought us some water and gum for the trip. She didn't stay long as she had to get back to Desert Hot Springs but it was great to meet her. After a while Not Not turned up, great to meet ya brudda,then the drinking began again,burp.