With some knocks on the door by Bucket, I was up and off to the shower. Me like hot water, hot water good. Damn my head was still spinning from last night. We packed the bikes and went down to the Ol' Miss riverfront to take a few pics of the Mighty Mississippi.
From there we got on the 40 west again and headed West. As we crossed the Mighty Miss I let a nice wheelie go to celebrate another awesome place to wheelie over/through. Yut Uggggghhh!!! A few miles down the road we pull over to get gas and Nimec informs us that he is going to blast ahead of us to make it to Amarillo, Texas that night. He told us that he wanted to party with his pal and that he could sleep in and meet us the next day, his plan was to make about 760 miles that day. We parted ways after the gas station and off Nimec went into the wild blue yonder. We stopped and had breakfast at a Waffle House, because we wanted to be ready for a long day in the saddle. With our guts all greased up, we set out to knock down some miles. Today was a day that we decided was all about quick stops and LOTS of miles. We wanted to pass the central States so we could make it to the Rockies as fast as we could. We had good weather for the whole day, slight overcast and warm weather. Late in the afternoon we were in Elk City, Ok. and we decided to push on and try to make another hundred miles before we finished the day. The late evening sky to the south of us was filled with huge thunderstorms with massive thunderclouds that had bolts of lightening shooting out and flickering inside the clouds. Looking back south and east on them made for an amazing sunset and the last day sunshine rays shined down on the massive thunderclouds. The open plains have some awesome vistas to admire spectacular sunsets, the sky/horizon seems to go forever. After +/-650 miles for the day, we called it quits even thought Chewie was chipper and wanted to break his all time most miles in a day ride. We ended the day in Shamrock, Tx. We missed out on dinner and had a few drinks at the hotel bar that was filled with smoke and oilfield workers. Yes we drew a few looks/stares, like "What are you boys doing here?", at least that's what I felt like. We had two separate rooms, one single and a double that Bucket and I shared. I passed out quick in anticipation of another long day ahead of us. There was no real pictures of the day because we didn't stop for anything, all we wanted to do was make miles.
miles traveled for the day=630
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