The morning came fast, wow. But I will admit that I had no ill effects from the late night festivities. The only thing that bothered me was the damn garbage truck that came by at 5:00am and banged the trash bins around LOUDLY. Nice job ASSHOLES. We all cleaned up and saddled the bikes, proceeded to the front of the hotel. That's when two special somethings made their appearances on the Aussies bikes.

.. well crap. I felt so bad that Bucket let me ride the Sprint to make me more comfortable. Thanks bro. We stopped later in the day to have lunch at Subway (they should have been a CCC sponsor) and I ate a sandwich. It helped tremendously as did a nap and some Powerade. I was over the worst part by lunch. Time to make waves to St Louis. Saddle up fellas. I don't recall anything really exciting about that leg of the trip. I do recall stopping on an On-Off ramp to take a leak and call Doug((Brian)confusing I know) to see where the hotel was that he reserved for us. We also discussed our arrival time to the hotel. With that all settled we traded bikes again, I don't recall what I was on, but Hockey had his first try on the Sprint. I got to know one thing about this quite man named Hockeyfan. He like wheelies, so much so he does them in front of cops, refer to day one of his trip. I was in the lead and looking in the mirrors as we came up the steep on-ramp. I saw a quick wheelie followed by it setting down ok. A few seconds later I saw the bottom of the Sprint's oil pan as he did a 12 o'clocker...hahah on the on-ramp merging into traffic. The bike came down faster than he expected I think, haha. Nice one Hockey, way bigger than what I have done on that bike. It was a fast day and we arrived into St Louis fairly early in the afternoon. I was skeptical about what hotel we were supposed to be at because they didn't have reservations at the one that we pulled into. So I rode down to the corner and down the street to another motel6/8 to check there. In route I came across something that stopped me in my tracks. A beer/liquor store named Dirt Cheap. Anybody on knows what this refers to. I got back to the 1st hotel where the guys were and told them of my discovery. More on that later. As we were standing there our new pal pulled Doug pulled in on his clean Roulette Green 1050 Triple.

We Check in and get 4 rooms with military discounts again...saweeet. Off we go to our rooms and unload the bikes. After that we went across the street and gassed up for the next day. Then we all ride down to the beer store and some of us piss off a lady in a car. She makes it a point to race in the parking lot and almost hit some of us and start a screaming match that we can do whatever we like. Settle down lady. She goes into the store, buys her alcohol and comes out screaming still at us. Wow, have a drink lady, take the edge off. We were still outside because we were all laughing because of the store name and the billboards. Speaking of billboards, its not a good idea to leave a ladder attached the sign. Yes we scaled the sign, yes all of the CCC gang.

Chewie, Bucket, Hockey, Doug, Nimec, Uncle Dude, and me were all on the sign. Some random Dirt Cheap customer was cool enough to take our pictures while we were on the sign getting honked at by cars on the nearby Interstate. With the artsy pictures done

We accomplished the Great American Burnout at Dirt Cheap. Its amazing the little damage that the burnouts did to the Pilot Roads, man are they some tough tires. With the side show done, we acted like law abiding citizens on the way back to the hotel. We tried to duplicate the previous night and ordered pizza and sat outside

I didn't know Kartstar worked at Dirt Cheap, and dang your lookin old Fred.
David says:
After a night of drinking I can say I was sleeping rather soundly when I heard what I thought was a truck loading up our bikes by dragging them up a ramp with a chain outside. It was about to be on like donky kong when I got to the window and figured out it was only the trash truck. No getting back to sleep now. We get cleaned up and ready to leave and there is still no more than 10 cars in the whole parking lot. Today's menu consisted of toast, cereal, bagels, and make your own waffles, not bad for a hotel breakfast.
I got to ride the Sprint for a while in the morning and I remember mentioning to Bucket how smooth the power is on it. I said something like "I bet I could wheelie the sh*t outta this thing". The response was classic Bucket, "I'll be expecting to see that the first chance you get". Not wanting to be a bad host and disappoint my Australian buddy when we hit the on ramp I rolled on the gas and gave a little tug on the bars. It carried the tire about a foot off the ground for about 10'. I slowed it back down, checked the mirrors to be sure Bucket was watching and grabbed a handful of throttle and gave it a good yank. Now that was a wheelie. I rode it up the rest of the ramp and onto the interstate to a few fist pumps and a bunch of thumbs up from the cars that were close enough to see it. Bucket rolls up and gives me a thumbs up and an approving head nod. We got off the interstate for lunch and I was on my bike going along a feeder road next to the interstate. I guess I was at the back of the pack when I rode out a nice wheelie but no one saw it. That was the only decent 2nd gear wheelie I nailed the whole trip.
We rolled into St Charles, MO early in the evening and Dan rolls out to make sure we were in the right place. He comes back after a few minutes with a sh*t eating grin and says you're not going to believe what I found. We get checked in lose the bags and take off to see what was so funny. We had caught up with fellow TS3 member Doug and end up in the parking lot of Dirt Cheap Liquor store getting screamed at by some psycho lady for what she felt was dangerous riding. Never mind the fact that she came rolling into the parking lot like a bat out of hell and almost taking Leggy out. I bet Doug was wondering what he had signed up for about then. Booze in tow and burnout pics in the can we rolled back to the hotel to try and pick up where the night before had left off. St Charles, MO 6675 miles so far.
miles traveled for the day=395
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