Friday, August 14, 2009

Day 0 (of Hockeyfans trip)

First and foremost I'd like to thank a few folks for the help, advice, encouragement and permission (that one is just for Dina) it took for me to pull this off. After reading a few blogs about trips like this and around the world trips I knew it was something I wanted to do. I even told Cheap if I hadn't done one of theses in five years time he could have every bike I owned. Dano, Cheap, Trippeee, Dina, Johnny, Scott, Eddie, Mike, and Steve (for telling me every day I was crazy) Thank you. I'll raise a glass to each and every one of you.


  1. I never said you were Crazy! And certainly you wouldn't of needed permission from me. Just wanted to help you follow your dreams babe! But next time you aint going no where without me!! Love you...Dina

  2. I was ready and set to follow you across the States. WESTWARD-HO
