Hockey says:
Woke up to a heavy mist, either that or it rained during the night. I decided to abandon the coast for a while so I took Hwy 46 inland to Hwy 101. I followed that south for about a hundred miles south when i got my first indication I was getting close to southern Cali.
I called Dano and told him I was heading his way on the 101 and he suggested I stick it out on there till I saw signs for Ventura or Oxnard. That plan worked out well because that's where I saw the next indication I was in SoCal.
I will give credit where credit is due, it was a damn fine burger. The fries on the other hand were really just your run of the mill fast food fries. So I can now say my neighbor (Matt) is wrong when he says 5 Guys burgers are not the best in the states. I cruised on through Ventura, Oxnard, and Malibu on a Monday afternoon like the tourist I had become. Saw more Porsches than I could count and a few Ferraris too. I hit LA around 1:30 or so and I didn't realize I still had almost a hundred miles to go. I hadn't figured my gas for that and had to stop somewhere called Inglewood. After that traffic started to back up and I wasn't sure what the rules are for lane splitting so I just played it cool till a bike went by. I guess there are no rules concerning lane splitting, at least not so I could figure them out. Once I rolled into Dans house I kind of was torn about whether to be disappointed cause the trip is half over or pumped because it just keeps getting better.
Woke up to a heavy mist, either that or it rained during the night. I decided to abandon the coast for a while so I took Hwy 46 inland to Hwy 101. I followed that south for about a hundred miles south when i got my first indication I was getting close to southern Cali.
(Dano says:)
Hockeyfans arrival to Casa de Dano
I get a call from Hockey(aka David) asking "Am I supposed to turn left or right?", and I'm thinking, where the hell are ya? Well come to find out that he is in the other side of the complex and couldn't find my building. You sly dog you.....with a bit of go this way, turn past that, he gets to my garage. It was good seeing ya David, you looked tired and ecstatic at the same time. We unpacked the bike and stashed it in the garage and went upstairs so David could clean up and have a drink to wash the road dust down. Speaking of dust, I think he had every bug there was on the front of the Triple, damn that was one dirty bike. It was definitely rode hard and put away wet/dirty.
David showered and then we cruised down to the store to buy some drinks, chips and salsa and a pair of shorts for David. We stuffed the 24 pack of Coronas in the Ventura pack and headed back to the house, time to officially start MY part of the party/trip now that Hockeyfan is here. Now the crunch time was on, I had to do a complete service on a RC51. Why? Because my mechanic buddy put me in a time-line crunch regarding my Triumph Speed Four. With some info that I found while checking the Speed Four, I decided to use my buddies RC51(thank you sooooo much Mark, I owe you big time) that he offered to me to use. Hockey and I started servicing the two bikes, changing oil, filters, cleaning the brakes/chains, changing the coolant on the RC51. It was a mad rush to get it all done. In the evening Becky came over to meet David and we all went out to dinner.
Later in the evening Nimec (Chad) showed up with his girlfriend Tiffany. They unloaded Tiffany's car that had Chads gear in it. We all talked Tiffany into staying the night with us because it was getting later and she had a long way to drive back to San Diego. The party keeps getting bigger and bigger. Hot tub time....except there isn't "hot" in the hot tub, for some reason the pump worked but the heater didn't. So some of the group (the ladies) sat in the "warm" tub and the guys went over to the fire pit and sat around the fire and finished off the remainder of the beers, listened and talked to Hockey about his adventure across the States. After the beers are gone, what do you do? Go to bed. I now had two inflatables in the front room, David on one, and Chad/Tiffany on the other. Let the snoring begin.
Hockeyfans arrival to Casa de Dano
I get a call from Hockey(aka David) asking "Am I supposed to turn left or right?", and I'm thinking, where the hell are ya? Well come to find out that he is in the other side of the complex and couldn't find my building. You sly dog you.....with a bit of go this way, turn past that, he gets to my garage. It was good seeing ya David, you looked tired and ecstatic at the same time. We unpacked the bike and stashed it in the garage and went upstairs so David could clean up and have a drink to wash the road dust down. Speaking of dust, I think he had every bug there was on the front of the Triple, damn that was one dirty bike. It was definitely rode hard and put away wet/dirty.
David showered and then we cruised down to the store to buy some drinks, chips and salsa and a pair of shorts for David. We stuffed the 24 pack of Coronas in the Ventura pack and headed back to the house, time to officially start MY part of the party/trip now that Hockeyfan is here. Now the crunch time was on, I had to do a complete service on a RC51. Why? Because my mechanic buddy put me in a time-line crunch regarding my Triumph Speed Four. With some info that I found while checking the Speed Four, I decided to use my buddies RC51(thank you sooooo much Mark, I owe you big time) that he offered to me to use. Hockey and I started servicing the two bikes, changing oil, filters, cleaning the brakes/chains, changing the coolant on the RC51. It was a mad rush to get it all done. In the evening Becky came over to meet David and we all went out to dinner.
Later in the evening Nimec (Chad) showed up with his girlfriend Tiffany. They unloaded Tiffany's car that had Chads gear in it. We all talked Tiffany into staying the night with us because it was getting later and she had a long way to drive back to San Diego. The party keeps getting bigger and bigger. Hot tub time....except there isn't "hot" in the hot tub, for some reason the pump worked but the heater didn't. So some of the group (the ladies) sat in the "warm" tub and the guys went over to the fire pit and sat around the fire and finished off the remainder of the beers, listened and talked to Hockey about his adventure across the States. After the beers are gone, what do you do? Go to bed. I now had two inflatables in the front room, David on one, and Chad/Tiffany on the other. Let the snoring begin.
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