The agenda for today, Check out Hoover Dam, Valley of Fire and then up I-15 to Cedar City where we would run Utah 14 east to 89 north and pick up the 12 to Escalante where we had cabins reserved. Sounds easy huh? Think again.
We all woke up at different times, but still early. The call was made to get J-Pip to the Venetian to roll with us to Hoover Dam. J-Pip came in a car, so he would lead the way with the GPS. I'm not admitting to have done any illegal behaviors, but the RC51 developed a sticky throttle,(maybe it was a pothole, as Hockey's bike did the same thing) in a few places. The Vegas Strip was one of them, that damn bike is gunna get me a ticket for doing a wheelie. And don't listen to J-Pip, he has no photographic evidence that Hockey and I were wheeling down the strip as he followed us, didn't happen.
Did I mention that it was getting hot? It was. We had a hot and uneventful ride to the Dam, we rode over the Dam and parked. Some of us stayed under a parking awning while few of us walked back over the Dam and took pictures.

Ok its hot, dang that water looks refreshing, I wonder if they would mind if I took a dip?
I felt that we entered a new phase of the trip as I hoped that everyone was about to enjoy the 12 and 14 like I have before. We rest in the cool shade and I buy Chewie and Bucket an ice cream treat each to cool them down more. I gave Chewie a Mrs Fields ice cream cookie sandwich.

Refreshed, we tore out through town and proceeded up the beautiful Hwy 14. Because we were behind on time and the chance of sprinkles, I pressed on without photo stops. We rolled through to the 89 north where we picked up Hwy 12 east. I was sad that we wouldn't get to see the 12 during daylight as the sun was setting. I had another thought, critters on the road. My concerns became valid when I saw eyes in the bushes and movement going from the field to the road. I grabbed a handful of front brakes and slowed WAY down. Sure enough 5 deer ran from my left out of the bushes in the ditch to the field on the right. With that disaster avoided, I focused my attention to Chewie on the SuperHawk that was sounding off the Staintune pipes grabbing lower gears behind me. I cringed as I heard him banging down through the gears, luckily he avoided me and came to a stop next to me. Ok, time to cool the engines as I was going fast to make up time to get to the cabins.
David says:
I got up early and went for a walk along the strip. I must say I like it better without all the crowds. Everybody else was up when I got back so we called J-Pip to meet us out front so He could see the Hoover dam with us. Dan may not want to admit it but I will, we rode a wheelie down the strip in Vegas. Check that box, I've done that S@#t. We head down to see the hover dam and I am amazed at how big it is. The water level was low but clear and beautiful. At the next stop it was time to say bye to NotNot. Brian it was a pleasure riding with you and next time I'm on the west coast I'll set a few days aside to tour San Francisco with you. On to the Valley Of Fire. Man they weren't kidding when they named that place. J-pip, like Dan said, thanks for being there. We got in some more dirt road action while there and some fantastic scenery. The heat was so bad I ended up closing all the vents in my helmet and jacket and felt better after doing it. Soon after leaving the park we get gas and get to talk to the local law man. Again. At least I didn't get a ticket this time. We saddle up and start trying to make better time. Up to this point I wouldn't have changed a thing but the biggest disappointment of the entire trip came next. That would be Bryce Canyon. Was it beautiful? Stunning. How about the roads? Twisty and smooth. The weather? Clear and cool. So why the disappointment? As the sun was setting behind us the red canyon walls were lit up with the dark shadows in contrast making them look like they were on fire. Pics or STFU you say, sorry no time to stop for photos. I understand why we couldn't stop but damn it still sucks. We didn't roll into Escalante until ten after a few close calls with some wildlife. The good news is there was beer waiting, cold beer. Thanks Steve and Dude. Off to find some grub. The Aussies accent wasn't hard to pick up on but I guess a few had a hard time with it at first. The waitress we had that night was one of them. Me being always helpful I tried to translate whenever I could.
Waitress " How's your food?"
Bucket "Bo-ful"
Waitress "????"
Me "He said your hair looks nice"
Waitress "Oh that's so sweet."
Bucket liked that so much he said we could be roomies. I don't know when he talked to my wife but she must've told him to tease me about snoring (even though I don't) because he started as soon as we woke up the next morning. Day 14, 5125 miles so far.
Bucket says: Well your probably guessing it was hot by now. As great as it was to see Vegas I was glad we were leaving, I'm not a big fan of the big cities and crowds, I appreciate that Dano wanted to incorporate it into the trip so we could experience it, cheers. Well to my surprise as we were leaving somehow Dano and Hockey's front wheels left the ground down the strip. Think it was a sticky throttle or summin, awesome sight though. Onto Hoover Dam, man that is one big pond of water. By this time the heat was starting to set in. Glad I was wearing textile gear, not ,so I decided to try and cool down in the shade and remove my boots and socks ,soggy, ooh yeah! Next stop and we said our goodbyes to Not Not, great meeting and riding with you, I think Brian started calling me Butter, he said as he was following me my riding style was as smooth as butter, hence the nickname Butter. As hot as it was in the Valley of Fire I was absolutely amazed at the scenery, absolutely awesome. It was a big plus having J-Pip there for when Chewie got heat exhaustion. Coming from winter over in Australia into that heat got the better of the big fella. Guess Pip got to go for a ride though. Next stop where the police told us to move our motorcycles I had to remove my boots and socks again, they were drenched, nice aroma as well. Through some more canyons, absolutely breathtaking. Hockey kitted us Aussies up with some Camelpacks, you sir are a champion. I remember seeing the town of Leeds and pissing myself laughing for some reason. I remember sh#**ing myself as I see the deer running across the road and brake lights a glowing, very lucky. Onto Escalante where the Dude and his mate Steve were waiting, once again it seemed like meeting old friends you hadn't seen for a while, made us feel right at home. Went down to get a feed, all I can say is I'm glad I had my translator there, thanks Hockey. I sure was diggin the waitress(leg hump smiley). Back to the cabins(they were awesome)for a few more beers and bulls#*t. I thought the world was ending that night but after a while realised it was Hockey snoring.
miles traveled today=360
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