Another day of the wonderful weather makes for great riding. We divided up again and this time Bucket was ready to roll. Off we went with Cheap and Fasterdunnlap leading the procession.
Of course Cheap and Dirt had to wheelie at every straight a way. Some how at one stop we got separated from a few of the group and managed to meet back up with them.
Not before Fasterdunnlap decided to throw his 500 mile new Harley XR1200 down in a corner....with DirtMcGirt right on his ass. I had front row tickets and was a mere few feet away from the scene of the crime. All I heard was SCRAAAAAAAPE....pause, pause...SCRAAAAAAPE then a lot of scrape.
I looked up to see Dirt cutting into the inside to make it around John as he laid on the ground. That Harley was hauling ass, but hard parts and pavement don't mix when your suspension bottoms out. I hated to see that happen to ya John, your a good guy and one hell of a rider. We did a brief photo shoot in that same corner and then headed back to meet up with Cheaps group.
We gassed up and had a snack lunch, Chewie had a ice cream cookie sandwich, Bucket had a smoke. We had a chase crew made up of Nimec, BillT, and AdvCole in BillT's dodge truck.
Later in the day we did the usual action photo session where I set up in a nice corner. I took lots of pics of the group along with a few other camera men.
We ended up at a small town where we shot a few pics.
Trippeee enjoying a burger...
Add lots of friends

and beers, result equals good times. The day was fantastic with awesome riding again and with a few incidences.
Later in the evening Cheap had a prize give aways.
I didn't win a damn thing. Time to sit back, relax, down some brews(a little corn mash too)along with Dfibs homemade spiced apple pie drink. Lots of bench racing and general bullshitting rounded out the evening late into the night. I forget the hour I passed out.
David says:
Day 22 King NC
Dina and I got up and had another wonderful continental breakfast. Kidding. It was pretty much a straight shot to Wrightsville Beach and we made it there before lunch with time to spare. You would think two people in full gear (including helmets) taking pictures on a beach would draw a comment or two from a passerby, nope just a lot of funny looks.
Leaving the beach I was again feeling pretty good seeing as I had just officially completed my coast to coast bike trip so I celebrated with a wheelie. Picture a four lane bridge with bumper to bumper traffic heading into the beach, empty lanes leaving and both sidewalks packed with beach goers. Yep I nailed it. At least a hundred yards nice and high and not a lawman in sight. We got back to Cheaps in time to find out today's ride wasn't nearly as hard on hard parts and people and nobody suffered anything that wouldn't eventually heal. Emily again out did herself and put out a spread that filled close to 50 bellies and never lost the smile she always seems to have. The drinking began in earnest and details are again a bit fuzzy but these are the blurry memories of a lifetime. King NC 8038 miles so far.
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