Well today was the day that we dreaded, the point where we start our sojourn back west. We planned on riding the Blue Ridge Parkway about two hundred miles south to Ashville, North Carolina to Kartstar's house. We assembled everyone to do the farewells/goodbye's at Cheaps house where everyone loaded their trucks or trailers.
The group photo shoot was cool except for the ghey Harley in front of the group, thanks John!
With all the tears and hugs done,
we set off towards the BRP. As we rolled down Hwy 52 north, Cheap decided to unleash the longest wheelie I have ever seen. I was right beside him and it HAD to be over a mile long. He just clutched one up, sat there grinning like a 'tard and rode that sucker out. Damn nice wheelie Cheap. We took the BRP at an easy pace to enjoy the scenery stopping to take pictures along the way.
At one point we had to take a detour off of the BRP and that's when Cheaps Triple decided to die with a stator/rectifier problem.

Chewie says:
Time for me (Chewie) to add something. The BRP is an amazing road. Speed limits force you to keep it sane, but that is a good thing, as we had a chance to enjoy the scenery, which is amazing. It is like riding through a landscaped garden for 200 miles.
David says:
Dina and I got up early and got everything ready to roll out. We decided to wait till the group leaving for the west coast left so we could ride to the parkway with them. Getting a bunch of hung-over not overly motivated people started early turned out to be a pipe dream. I think we ended up leaving about 11:00 am. We hit a bit of traffic on the way to the Blue Ridge Parkway but it wasn't bad. This was the moment I was dreading. At the BRP We parted ways with a wave and a beep of the horn. Dina and I headed north and the rest headed south. I would have loved to head south with them and not just to continue my trip, but to avoid the worst rain I had hit so far. It's not all bad though, Dina said my new rain suit never leaked once during the hour of downpour we endured. I'll have to remind her to thank Dano for making me buy it. The rest of the way home was a wet but uneventful and easy ride.
I learned a few things on this trip. 1.Even in August its cold somewhere, pack accordingly. 2.Whatever it is that you're rushing to get to will still be there if you're late. 3.Take a close look at your dreams and aspirations chances are you've already reached more than you thought. 4.The harder things get the more you can revel in getting through it. 5.Good friends and family will tell you you're crazy for trying this then ask if they can help or come along in the same breath. Spotsylvania VA 8338 miles. Home.
miles traveled for the day=215
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It was a pleasure having you along Hockey, and a delight to meet Dina. I look forward to riding with yall again.