Dano says:
We woke up fairly early at Karts house eager to hit some SAWEEEEET local roads on the way to the Dragon,
this is Karts home and he knows one or two choice amazing roads. Kart had a few of his pals there at his place in the morning to ride with us. Ron decided that he had to high tail it back home as he had been gone for a while, so he said his adios and blasted outta there. The weather was a little overcast and drizzled a few times here and there. I wished that I could make a map of the roads that Kartstar took us on, but, I don't recall all the turns that we make. I loved the area and the rural countryside, I felt as if time had stopped in a few of the places that we passes. I wished that I would have stopped for pictures that day, but it was just wet enough that I didn't care to get my camera wet. When we reached Fontana Dam after finishing The Hellbender on the 28 and southeast of The Dragon and the Tennessee border Kartstar said he had to turn around. In his words..." When I go over the Tennessee border, lights and alarms go off, and cops chase me. So I dont go there." Fair enough, hahaha. At that point we said our asta la vista's to Kartstar(Fred) and his friends. Thanks you Fred for the wonderful roads and warm hospitality, I owe you.
I remember Chewie saying that The Hellbender was the best road that he had been on and it showed in his face as he was grinning ear to ear.
Once we made it to the Tail of the Dragon, we stoped at the store to buy shirts and stickers to prove that we did the Dragon.
With the customary pics at the Resort we headed out over the famous 318 turns in eleven miles. There were plenty of people warning us of PoPo ahead, so we kept it to the speed limit the whole way. we stopped at the top lookout to shoot a few pics and enjoy the wonderful weather.
We finished the Dragon and turned right back around and did it in reverse and then proceeded to Robbinsville where we gassed up to tackle the awesome Cherohala Highway.
The weather was fine and we set off to enjoy some motorcycle bliss. Once we came to Tellico Plains, we stopped for a quick bite to eat. As I was pulling my helmet off, Chewie gave me a big non-sexual hug and said...."Thanks mate, the last two days have been the best rides of my whole life". I got a little verklempt. I was happy that I had been there to share the rides with these fellas. We then tore ass down the hwy 68 to I-75 north to I-40 east to Crossville. We gassed up in Crab Orchard and that's where I gave Lisa and Todd the heads up that we were almost to their place.
Once we arrived to their beautiful house we were greeted by Lisa, Todd, Luke, Ben, David and Jane. They had some awesome burgers and food waiting for us. We feasted like kings, caught up with everyone and just enjoyed the wonderful company. It was good seeing everyone again. Thanks a million Todd and Lisa for all that you did for us, you always go above and beyond. With some hot showers, a few beers and some harsh 'shine from the freezer, we settled in for a early night.
the aprox miles done for the day (some roads were uncertain)
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